Chicago Vendors

Perks for Exhibitors: Networking, Branding and Selling Your Products

No Vendors will have exclusivity, other competing vendor’s products and services will be allowed unless otherwise approved by ICF. The Festival will not place vendors with identical products or services next to one another for the benefit of all. The length of time an exhibitor must remain at location is June. 18th, 2016 from 2.00pm – 9:00pm and June 19th, 2016 1:00pm – 9pm. Vendors will have the opportunity to choose location based upon order in which payment was received (first come first serve.)

Security will be provided at the Festival and every effort will be made to keep the grounds secure and your product and equipment safe. International Curry Festival is not responsible for any theft, damage, etc. that may occur during the Festival and all related Festival activities at the grounds. Please review the Booth Requirements for Vendors for the Day before completing the application.

Please note: All fees paid are non refundable

Application Deadline 03/07/2016

For New Special Rates and Booking Please Call 727-408-1250

  • 20 x 20 food booth: $650.00 each
  • 10 x 10 food booth: $500.00 each
  • 10 x 10 non-food booth: $350.00 each

Only items listed for sale on the downloadable or online application will be allowed please be very specific.